Afghanistan: Two Years on from the Taliban Takeover, Action Is Needed

Nearly two years on from the Taliban takeover in Kabul, news from Afghanistan is scarce. We need to know what's happening and how we can advocate for our government to keep the needs and struggles of Afghan people front of mind.

RAR has organised a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 15 August 7pm (AEST), the second anniversary date, to find out more. All supporters of refugees and of democratic rights in Afghanistan are welcome.

The meeting’s speakers will include Muzafar Ali (Cisarua Learning), living in Adelaide, and Hamida and Zahra living in rural Victoria, with other speakers from cities and towns across the country being approached.


Please register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

 We look forward to seeing you online on 15 August. This meeting will lead off activities led by Afghan-Australian community members. Keep an eye out for activities in your city or state.


Palm Sunday Justice for Refugees action